Gas to Hydrogen Plant Details


Gas to Hydrogen Plant Details

Overview of the Gas-to-Hydrogen (GTH) Process

Greenway Technologies (GWTI) offers a state-of-the-art Gas-to-Hydrogen (GTH) plant solution that converts natural gas into high-purity hydrogen. This advanced technology leverages the hydrogen-specific version of the G-Reformer®, the H-Reformer® system, to produce hydrogen efficiently while ensuring environmental sustainability.

Key Requirements

To operate a GTH plant, several critical inputs are required:

  • Pipeline-Quality Natural Gas: The plant can utilize natural gas from pipelines, commercial gas supplies, renewable sources, or gas wells with adequate gas quality. The H-Reformer® continuously monitors the composition of input gas in real time to ensure optimal operation. Non-commercial gas sources may require additional pre-treatment if sulfurous compounds or other contaminants exceed system limits. A certified fuel sample analysis is recommended to assess gas suitability and potential efficiency improvements.
  • Oxygen (O₂): The process requires oxygen with a purity of 90%. For single G-Reformer® systems, local liquid oxygen (LOX) deliveries can eliminate the need for on-site oxygen concentration. For larger plants with multiple H-Reformers®, an on-site oxygen-concentration plant is necessary. Various oxygen-concentration technologies are available, becoming more cost-effective as plant size increases.
  • Clean Water: Essential for the hydrogen production process.
  • Electricity: Required to power the GTH plant operations. Options exist to co-generate electricity where grid power is unavailable.

System Operation and Control

The H-Reformer® is operated using a custom-built control panel from GWTI. This control panel provides remote monitoring and control capabilities, enabling real-time oversight of the system’s performance. The control console is equipped with logic to monitor natural gas input composition and manage all aspects of the H-Reformer® operation. In case of any issues, the system can initiate actions such as shutting down the H-Reformer® if necessary.

Hydrogen Production Process

  1. Initial Reforming Stage: The G-Reformer® begins by converting natural gas into a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. This initial stage sets the foundation for the subsequent processes.
  2. Catalyst Stage: A catalyst is introduced to increase hydrogen production further and convert residual carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. This stage is specific to the GTH H-Reformer® process and is not used in other G-Reformer® applications.
  3. Liquefaction: The H-Reformer® uses almost all heat in the conversion process. Gas is sent directly to a separation system where carbon dioxide (CO₂) is liquefied under specific conditions and separated from the hydrogen. The liquid CO₂ is transferred to tanker trucks or rail cars for sequestration or sale. Local conditions may present opportunities for selling CO₂ for various uses.
  4. Hydrogen Output: The final hydrogen product exits the plant at low pressure, slightly above atmospheric pressure, ready for distribution or further use. Processes such as electrical generation will use hydrogen at this output pressure. An optional plant feature involves hydrogen compression for uses that require it, such as vehicle use.